Astronomical Observatory (next to the telescope)
In the newly opened wing of Secondary School Compex in Zelów there is the library on the ground floor. It fulfills a very important function of supporting the process of teaching - school care, allows the use of collections, equipment and facilities to conduct classes by teachers of different subjects, organizing events, reading and independent work of its members. Our library offers a rich collection of books and audiovisual aids. It is divided into four parts:
- the educational multimedia information centre
- the lending library
- the reading room
- the storehouse of books and special collections
The first part consists of sixteen computer stations with Internet access along with the multi function device, which is installed on the wall of the 55th inch TV set with a digital decoder. The lending library includes two workplaces for teachers, librarians equipped with desks, two computers with Internet access, a barcode scanner and multifunctional device. Right at the entrance, there are two computers with the Internet and library catalog access. In the reading room there are fourteen individual work stations. The magazine of the library is a system consisting of eleven racks installed on mobile bases moving on rails and six fixed shelves. Right next to the racks there are nine seats for readers using the reference library.
Next to the library there is the school community centre , whose mission is to educate and develop the student's interests, it also features full environmental and socio-therapeutic commons. The room is appropriately arranged, it is aesthetic and cosy, equipped with appropriate teaching aids and educational materials, what is more there is also the 55th inch plasma TV set with a digital decoder and eleven modern computer workstations with Internet access.
On the ground floor there is the dining room with the kitchen annex . The canteen is equipped with fifty-five places for eating and hygienic-sanitary point where you can wash your hands before and after eating. In the kitchen there are appropriate kitchen appliances.
On the first floor a huge assembly hall is situated. All kinds of school events take place in this part of the building, but on a weekday during breaks, students can play here table tennis and table football. The hall is also equipped with a large stage and folding seats.
On the second floor of the newly dedicated wing of the school building, there are three modern classrooms with special platforms on which there are the positions of teachers with functional desks, modern desktop computers with Internet access combined with the ceiling-installed projectors. Two classrooms also have huge back-mounted cabinets. At the moment these classrooms are used as English lab, Polish lab and physical lab connected to a computer network with automatically controlled astronomical observatory located on the top floor of newly dedicated wing of the building.
The observatory is made up of sliding dome and rotating floor. The main equipment of this part consists of the Meade LX200ACF telescope. This is a new class of telescopes, which includes advanced optical system, similar to the one used by NASA in the design of the Hubble Space Telescope. It is designed for professionals involved in astronomy. This telescope is also a suitable instrument to carry out ground-based observations, providing high resolution images. Bright lens allows for a large field of view (magnification 850 times useful), the control system automatically levels the telescope and it encodes precisely the direction of north, using the LNT technology and sixteen-channel GPS system. The telescope is controlled by the AutoStar II controller that contains a database of 145 000 objects in the sky. To the observatory, we can get going up the stairs or by a an elevator, which is also adapted for the disabled.